On Motherhood: 9 Months In

  1. Sharn Bains says:

    This is perfection! I feel like I just met you in the most beautiful way. 💗

  2. Brooke Fishback says:

    Wow, I’ve never seen anyone speak about this but feel very similarly to when you said to observe in a different way when you hear of a 9 month old child. I was 12 when my dad passed away and have a similar reaction when I hear the age.

    Maxwell is definitely heaven sent from her — thank you for sharing! xx

  3. Whitney W says:

    This is absolutely beautiful Chelsee! Thank you for sharing .

  4. OMG chels. this is so powerful and beautiful. i also can’t get over how you and your mom ARE TWINS. like WOW. you look exactly like her, it’s so special. xoxo

  5. Carolyn Lamb says:

    This is beautiful. I’m crying😭 You definitely knew your momma and that’s in you even if you don’t remember.

  6. Jillian says:

    To honoring the fullness of life- the definition of authentic beauty! I feel inspired to start living more. The photos make this post come alive!

  7. Emily says:

    Oh, Chelsee, what a special post. I’m glad you were able to find reassurance and connection with your mom through motherhood. ❤️

  8. Michaela O’Shaughnessy says:

    This is so beautifully written Chelsee, thank you for sharing with all of us! Maxwell is lucky to have such a kind and chic mama like you!

  9. Lauren C. says:

    Oh, Chels, you have me in tears. It’s so beautiful to read about your journey to 9 months with Max and the connection it’s helped you form with your mom. You are her spitting image and I’m confident that you love and mother very similar to her, too. These types of things are in our bones, passed down from the deep love of our mamas. Thank you for sharing ❤️

  10. Colleen says:

    Chelsee, what a beautiful and thoughtful reflection on life and motherhood. ❤️ I’m grateful you shared this with us. Xoxo

  11. maile says:

    9 months is so much more than “9 months” as a mama (pre and post natal) and a child. I’m glad you got those 9 months with your mom (y’all are twins) + you have enjoyed 9 months with your sweet maxwell. Beautifully written. Cheers to the next 9 months of more fun and pure joy that motherhood brings.

  12. Kendall says:

    A beautiful story and lesson of grief and hardship but also hope. So encouraged by this blog. Keep going.

  13. Leon Stepherson says:

    This is soooo awesome!! As you know I spent a lot of time with Aunt Leslie and Unc!! What a wonderful woman and great couple. They took me on my first Disney trip and I remember it like it was yesterday. The joy she had when your sister and you came was enormous. These pics just took me back cousin!! Thank you and love you!!❤️❤️

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